About Us
The Refuge House is a missionary-sending church where every disciple/member is raised to actively get involved in the Great commision whether as a career missionary or as a mission mobilizer/enabler.

The Refuge House
The Refuge House is a missionary-sending church where every disciple/member is raised to actively get involved in the Great commision whether as a career missionary or as a mission mobilizer/enabler.
Our Vision
Our vision is raising an army of Light, taking salvation to the ends of the earth. Acts 13:47. We emphasize soul winning, equipping and deploying men as envoys of Christ to villages, cities, nations and diverse spheres of life
Our Commitment
We are committed to the indepth teaching of the word, intense prayer and worship, living the life of Christ and reaching out to our community with the gospel of Christ.
Ode-Aye Mission Project
I am crying for a massive salvation of the land of Ode-Aye and that is your responsibility. These were the words of the Lord to us in July 2016 in Lagos. Intercession for the land began until 2019, when the Lord gave the marching order to set out
Ode-Aye is a town among the Ikale tribe of Ondo state, Nigeria. A church has been planted in Ode-Aye with a growing number of disciples who are also dedicated to seeing their land won for Jesus
Below are the ministries presently under The Refuge House
School Outreach
We reach out to students in the primary and secondary schools
Rural Envagelism/mission
We reach out to souls in villages and rural areas as led by the Holy spirit
We are also commited to raising genuine believers who will be relevant in the assignment of Christ.
Church Planting
School of ministry
Request Prayer
Request Prayer
Share Testimony
Our Weekly and monthly services are as follows:
Sunday service - 8am
Word-feast - Tuesday 5pm
Prayer stretch - every first sunday 6am - 11am
Monthly outreaches and crusade
Become a partner
The mandate to take salvation to the ends of the earth requires collaboration of believers. We enjoin you to partner with us in
Prayer for lead pastor
Pray for visionary lead pastor and his family
Prayer for ministry
Pray for ministry's meetings, crusades, outreaches and other mission endeavours.
Prayer for souls
Pray for the souls won to the Lord and our disciples.
Kindly fill this form
N.B: Updates and prayer burdens will be sent to your Whatsapp line or Email address
Has the Lord been prompting your heart to commit your substance towards rural envagelism and mission, join other believers who are doing same.
Our Lead Pastor
Pastor Lanre Oyenola is the visionary Pastor of The Refuge House, a mission oriented ministry. He is an evangelist and a dynamic teacher of the word, with ministry experience which spans across different states in Northern and western Nigeria
He is saddled with the responsibility of raising a strong mission minded army for the Lord especially among the youth.
He is an alumnus of Calvary Ministry(Capro) School of Missions, Jos Plateau state, a highly revered school that has successfully trained about a thousand missionaries who are now serving the Lord across continents of the world
Alongside his pastoral work, he also ministers at various outreaches, crusades and conferences with tangible presence and power of the Holy Spirit.
He is the president of The Refuge House School of Ministry, an interdenominational school where believers are trained to skillfully and accurately present the scriptures and be relevant in the end time move of God.
He is married to Pastor Gift Oyenola, a Co-labourer with whom he bagan the ministry, they both serve hand-in-hand in expanding God's Kingdom everywhere God instructs. Their marriage is blessed with two children, David and Zion
Give towards the spread of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ
United Bank For Africa (UBA)
The Refuge House
Contact The Refuge House Via any of these means
L.A practising school, Behind new building, Ode-Aye, Ondo state
Call Us
+234 913 882 4733
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